Breed Info:
Pygoras are a wonderful breed of fiber goats. They were created by crossing the Angora, a goat with long fleece, and the Pygmy, a shorter goat with little fleece. Pygoras have been gaining popularity ever since 1978 when the Pygora Breeders Association was formed.
Pygoras do not have to be a 50-50 cross of angora and pygmy to be registered. They can be up to 75% of either breed. The first cross is technically a hybrid, so they are registered as F1, or first Generation Pygoras. There are separate classes at shows for them. The second generation is the true Pygora.
Does weigh from 65 to 75lbs and are at least 18 inches tall. Bucks and wethers (fixed males) weigh from 75-95lbs and are at least 23 inches tall.
The main reason for keeping Pygora goats is their fleece. They produce 1-1.5lbs of lanolin free fiber. It holds dye very well and comes in several natural colors. Pygora fleece is also great for blending with other wools and silks. There are 3 main types:
· Type A- mohair characteristics * below 28 microns * shiny finish * wavy ringlets * no obvious guard hairs * cool to handle * 6+" long
· Type B- a blend between A & C * shiny finish * below 24 microns * curl * some course guard hairs * soft and airy feel * length of 3-6"
· Type C- acceptable as commercial cashmere * matte finish * fine undercoat * distinct course guard hairs * creamy, warm handle * 1-3" long
All of the fleece types matt in the spring, however, types B and C will shed out. Only type A must be sheared. Some people choose to comb out the hair of type B or C goats. Others shear them with hand shears, electric shears or scissors.